You can register your name on the net or by calling the school office on 04862 208081, 264200.
For all clarifications you can call |
Once registered the child will be called for a meeting with the principal/ teacher to confirm the admission. previous school records ( not for LKG) and self attested copy of the Birth Certificate should be produced on admission.
Class | Term I | Term II | Term III | Term IV | |
Play School | T.Fee Spl.Fee Total |
3000 750 3750 |
3000 750 3750 |
3000 1000 4000 |
3000 750 3750 |
KG | T.Fee Spl.Fee Total |
3750 1250 5000 |
3750 950 4700 |
3750 1200 4950 |
3750 950 4700 |
I & II | T.Fee Spl.Fee Total |
3950 1250 5200 |
3950 950 4900 |
3950 1200 5150 |
3950 950 4900 |
III & IV | T.Fee Spl.Fee Total |
4200 1250 5450 |
4200 950 5150 |
4200 1200 5400 |
4200 950 5150 |
V & VI | T.Fee Spl.Fee Total |
4700 1250 5950 |
4700 950 5650 |
4700 1200 5900 |
4700 950 5650 |
VII & VIII | T.Fee Spl.Fee Total |
4950 1250 6200 |
4950 950 5900 |
4950 1200 6150 |
4950 950 5900 |
IX & X | T.Fee Spl.Fee Total |
5200 1250 6450 |
5200 950 6150 |
5200 1200 6400 |
5200 950 6150 |