- Kindly read the diary for all instructions. Check the same on a daily basis and ensure that it is signed and send to school everyday. Train the child to complete his/ her work in a systematic way.
- Any change in your address or telephone number should be intimated to the school promptly.
- Label all belongings of your child.
- Send a baby towel and spoon everyday along with the lunch packing.
- Kindly make sure that your child attends remedial/special classes if he/she is expected to do so.
- Ensure that your child comes to school neatly groomed and dressed in the prescribed school uniform. Keep the nails well trimmed.
- Make sure that your child is regular and punctual.
- In case of contagious diseases sent your child to school only after complete recovery with a leave letter supported by a medical certificate.
- Ensure that you make arrangements to drop and collect your child from the bus stop on time. Buses will not wait at the stop for the child to arrive or to be picked up.
- Do not send money through your child unless requested from the school.
- Your complaints/suggestions/appreciations should be intimated to the school. A positive response from the management is sure to follow.
- Your participation and support is solicited in all meetings, functions and workshops organized by the school in the interest of your child.