Carricular & Co-Carricular Activities

Literary Association

The House System

Lots of literary activities, apart from book based learning will be an essential part of GIPS.

  • Confidence building, public appearance, – both fun based and talent based- will remove the fear of public appearance in children. Public speaking, dramatics, debate, communication skill training will build up the confidence in the blooming buds.
  • Every possible activity like GD, Round Table, etc will be added to develop the group skills in children. Spoken English classes will be a regular feature under CARE (Communicative and Reading for Excellence).
  • Summer Camps and Leadership Camps during short and long holidays will be organized to develop the leadership qualities in children.
In order to promote a healthy competition among the students and to make them excel in studies, curricular activities, sports and games, the students are grouped into four houses. House masters and teachers will be elected to each of the four houses to guide and streamline the activities of their captains and prefects.The houses are named:

  • Red House
  • Blue House
  • Green House
  • Yellow House