Application Form for Online Admission
Name of Student * :
Standard to which Admission is sought (in words also)* :
Date Of Birth * :
Relegion / Caste * :
Relegion details if any :
Name of Father :
Qualification of Father :
Residential Address(with phone No.) :
Occupation / Profession of Father with Details(with phone No.) :
Name of Mother :
Qualification of Mother :
Occupation / Profession of Mother with Details(with phone No.) :
Class and School Presently Studying (Not applicable for Playschool & LKG) :
Bus Route and Nearest Bus Stop :
General Health of Child :
Any specific Health information that the School must know(any speech,hearing,sight or any other problem) :
Details of Brother,Sister or Relatives applied for, or already studying in the school :
Names and Phone Nos. of individual who can introduce you(the parents) to the school authorities :
    eg:1.Sanju 9853xxxxxx
     2.Roni 9825xxxxxx